Monday, April 18, 2022


Sunday, April 10th

Two exercises today: Seated machine lat pull-downs, captain's chair leg raises (ab crunch).


Monday, April 11th

Today's picks were standing barbell overhead press, and kettlebell side lunges. It's been a little while since I've done the barbell overhead presses, and they're still one of my favorite exercises. 

My morning routine is really falling into place lately. Consistency in my diet is paying off, and I think I'm seeing results. When I get up, I have my coffee and then I prepare a protein shake so it will be immediately ready post-workout. Then I do my workout for the day, either in the gym or a run. After my protein shake, I usually have a big salad for lunch.

I feel good, energetic, and healthy eating like this!


Tuesday, April 12th

Side lateral raises and dumbbell front raises were the picks of this morning in the gym. Then I followed up with an 8-mile run. It felt good, since I haven't run in a couple days.


Wednesday, April 13th

A nice cold early morning with fascinating clouds and shadows over the mountains! 

Another 8 mile day.


Thursday, April 14th

8 miles, a clear day instead today. It's amazing when running every morning to see the differences in the weather!

Taking a short break from the gym and just running for a few days in a row. 


Friday, April 15th

In the morning, I did another 8 miles, making it the fourth day in a row. 4 x 8 miles is sufficient for the week for me. Tomorrow I will be back in the gym for a lifting day.

In the evening, I did a little walk with the family at Bear Creek Park. It was such a nice night with the full moon rising as the sun set behind the mountains.

It was a nice cool hike by the creek. What an amazing natural world right at our doorstep here in Colorado Springs! 


Saturday, April 16th

Back in the home gym today. First, 30 minutes on the row machine, then machine chest press and standing barbell bicep curls.

I have gone pretty easy on the leg exercises this week, only doing the kettlebell side lunges on Monday. Next week, I'll try to do deadlifts again, but not until later in the week, since I am planning a big mountain run next Wednesday. 😀 


Sunday, April 17th

A great restful Easter Sunday at home with my family! 


Monday, April 18th

A little bit chilly in the morning, but with that bright Colorado sun it quickly warmed up as I did a normal 8-mile run up Marconi Heights and back.

As I ran along today, I took in the views of the mountains and made some plans for my big mountain day coming up on Wednesday! 

I was thankful for the beautiful day and took in the joy of being outside. Running around Palmer Park and the surrounding open spaces on a clear day is like looking at a map in 3D, filled with expansive views.

Tomorrow I will likely have a rest day or just do a really easy home workout, and maybe some stretching.

Wednesday's big plan is to seek out some new summits in our local mountains that I haven't been to yet. Looking forward to it immensely! 😀 


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