Wednesday, July 17, 2019

"3" up top on Pikes Peak with Mike, Lindsay, and Matt

Most Pikes Peak trainees, at least those who live in the area, do lots of training up top on the Peak. 

We have a thing we call 3-2-1s, which is where you drive to the Pikes Peak summit, run down 3 miles (to treeline), back up, then down to the 2 miles sign, back up, then down to the 1 mile to go sign and back up. 

I must admit I've never done a full a 3-2-1. The best I've been able to manage for this workout is the "3" portion. 

I try to do the "3" at least once a year to see how I'm doing. Today was my "3" for the season.

Mike was kind enough to drive Lindsay, Matt, and me to the summit this morning. (Thank you Mike!)

Bighorn sheep greeted us near the summit! I was hoping to see them this morning, as that's one of the nice treats of being at 14,000 feet in the early morning. 

Here's Mike running downhill with the sheep in front of him.

I ran downhill quickly but not totally off the hook, taking 42 minutes to reach the "3 miles to go" metal sign. I took a bunch of photos on my way down. On my way back up, I tucked the phone away and focused on my uphill training.

Here are some of the downhill moments: 

This cheeky marmot was chirping fearlessly at me, perhaps trying to tell me to run faster:

And here's Mike passing me going uphill while I'm still heading down.

Of course I stopped briefly for a selfie at the "3 miles to go" sign, rockin the cool sunglasses that Sharon gave me last week!

And Lindsay was just behind me, eventually passing me on the uphill portion (though I tried my hardest to keep her right in front of me!)

The uphill was no easy task for me today! I had to keep focusing on my breathing as best as I could. Matt had set out from the Devil's playground trail, going down Barr a little ways before turning around. He was shouting encouragement from up ahead. I ended up running uphill to the summit in 1 hour and 9 minutes from the "3 miles to go" sign. Not my best time, but far from my worst!

On the way down, it was nice to meet and share a ride with famous trail runner Joe Gray. Isn't it amazing how many elite athletes enjoy this superb training playground of the Pikes Peak region? You never know who you'll run into on the Peak! 

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