Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Goals of the current decade

I just opened a leftover fortune cookie that my roommate brought home. It read, "Focus on your long-term goal. Don't hesitate to start now."

I figured that was the perfect impetus to make this post. I've discussed this with a few friends already, but I have what roughly breaks down to a bucket list for my 30s. Specifically related to fitness and athletics, that is. Not that these goals will be impossible after that, but I feel that I have a pretty good idea of the goals I would like to accomplish within the next decade, so maybe jotting them down will help me plan.

As a runner in my younger years, I never figured I'd be planning for races years or even decades in advance. But some of my race goals require more than a few months to work towards. Part of the reason for that is because of qualification requirements, but also because training for a 100 miler is not a spur of the moment decision. And many races now have lotteries! So it's never guaranteed that I'll be granted a slot the first or second  (or third...or fourth) year.

And as I sit here at this very moment, with a 50-miler as my primary race goal this summer, I'm unsure of how to order my goal races within the next several years. Each goal takes time and planning to accomplish and quite some build up. It also throws a little bit of a loop in since I plan on having elective surgery to remove excess sagging skin from 100 lbs of weight loss as well as a double mastectomy to reconstruct my chest to male. Depending on when my surgery is scheduled, and how my recovery goes, I may have to rearrange some race goals.

Without further ado, my big goals of the next decade are:

* Leadville 100 (entry by lottery)
* Western States 100 (requires qualifier, plus lottery)
* Pikes Peak Double
* Half-Ironman Triathlon (at least... maybe a full Ironman someday?!)
* Run a sub-4 hour flat marathon
* Run a sub-4 hour Pikes Peak Ascent

That's six goals, and seven years to complete them. Admittedly, a few might be possible within a single year, but not easy.

These goals are all complicated by the fact that I've had a bit of a tenuous relationship with running as of late. Aches and pains have led me to more cross-training than I've ever done before in my life. Additionally, I'm slowly falling in love with weight lifting as I begin to develop the male physique that I've always craved.

I am currently a fairly strong swimmer, AND recently received a new bike as a gift from my husband. Both of these things lead me to believe that trying a triathlon should be next on my major goal list. But I've never even done a sprint triathlon. A half Ironman might be a bit of a jump.

Furthermore, my goal race this summer: the Last Call 50, a Human Potential Running Series race, was originally scheduled to be a lead-in to the Leadville 100 for next year. I have until December when the lottery for Leadville opens to make a decision on next year's major goal.

But for now, I feel that my endurance is strong but my speed is suffering. I am more inclined to go to the weight room than the track.

To summarize all these musings, a question arises: WHY am I doing all these things? Why so many seemingly arbitrary goals? The answer is simple. It sounds like fun! A quote in my running log book reads, "Man, unlike the animals, has never learned that the sole purpose of life is to enjoy it." Well, while it may not be my SOLE purpose - I have a family and responsibilities after all - I find my greatest joys through athleticism and the bonds I've made with many like-minded friends.

So, my like-minded friend, you made it to the end of my rambling for today. What would YOU pick to do from my goal list? Please leave me a comment! :)

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