Friday, December 18, 2015

20 miles! At sunset in the winter.

I ran a solid 20 miler today. It's not the first time that I've run 20 miles, but in a way it was the most comfortable 20 mile run I've done to date.

I started off at a comfortable pace, and it was fairly warm for a Colorado winter day, about 45 degrees. But it was already late afternoon and I knew I had barely more than an hour until sunset. I packed a hat and gloves in my Ultimate Direction running pack, and about 2 liters of water, in addition to my headlamp.

I picked a familiar route and arranged for a ride at the end so I wouldn't have to go out-and-back. Although I usually run out-and-back runs, I like to indulge in an occasional point-to-point endeavour. This allows for different scenery to keep the mind entertained. Plus it's fun to sometimes "see how far you can go."

Interestingly, just after mile 4, a man who said he was interested in picking up running jogged with me for a short distance. I basically told him about the Galloway method; just run at a comfortable pace until you can't anymore, and then walk. Repeat. Eventually, you'll be able to hold the comfortable pace for longer and longer without walking.

I watched the sun set behind the Front Range as I ran. The colors weren't overly dramatic in tonight's cloudless sky, but the fading of light from bright blue to orange and yellow and purple is always a relaxing sight.

Soon enough, I needed my headlamp and pulled it out. The light of the crescent moon alone wasn't enough to guide me on the trail. The night was cool but not too cold, with warm patches of air still hanging around.

About 15 miles in, I called my ride to say I was right on pace with where I'd predicted and told him beforehand. After this, my legs started to feel pretty tired for a couple miles. It was a feeling like "you usually stop running around now, are we stopping?" And it's true. I usually run about 15 miles during my long runs but rarely more than that most weekends.

But I knew I could go further. I wasn't ready to employ the Galloway method yet, and I wanted to keep on pace. So I pushed through for a couple miles.

By mile 17, I felt better. Like surprisingly better. Like, I haven't had a long run like this in quite a while feeling! I wasn't any long dwelling on the remaining distance and I could just keep going at the same steady pace comfortably. Perhaps it was a slightly downhill on the trail that prompted my legs to "just get over it." But the feeling lasted all the way through the end of my run.

I felt like I could have gone farther than 20 miles. But I had already arranged with my ride to pick me up at a specific location. I'm very satisfied with this run. It was a good trial for my upcoming birthday run of 30 miles. I have not decided for certain, but I think I'll do the same trail.

The funny thing is, I'm not yet training for a specific race. This is the first time I've run 20 miles when I didn't have an immediate upcoming marathon. Perhaps I'll do one in mid-May, but that's still too long out to be doing 20 milers.

I guess it was just a fun 20 miler! If you can run 20 mIles when you feel like it, why not?!

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