Saturday, February 1, 2025

January 2025 - Running in between arctic blasts

January had a bang start to the year, when we visited the 16th Street Mall in Denver for the New Year's fireworks.

I was also off to a good start with mileage for the year, with a total of 138 miles for the month of January.

I'm progressing on strength goals, including doing something I've never included in my routine before - box jumps. The theory is that the impact on the ground creates adaptive changes in the body that help strengthen the bones against fractures from small repetitive impacts, like chronic running injuries.

I also started doing a bit of practice with a jump rope, which I haven't done since I was a kid. It's harder than I expected!


My first double-digit mileage run of the year was 14.9 miles on Old Stage Road.

I went in between cold fronts, with a huge amount of snow anticipated that afternoon and evening.

But the morning was absolutely clear and sunny.

I started from the base of N. Cheyenne CaƱon by the Starsmore Discovery Center, and followed the Chamberlain trail up past the neighborhood to the Old Stage Road junction.

Old Stage was pretty icy right from the start, but the sun started coming up and the views across South Cheyenne Canyon were beautiful.

Before today, I'd only ever run DOWN Old Stage Road, so going uphill on foot was new.

But after I got about 7 miles in to my adventure, the storm clouds started brewing to the north and west.

I decided to keep it safe, and turn around.

It wasn't too long before the whole sky to the west was covered in clouds, and I even had a small amount of styrofoam-style snow fall on me.

I made it back down before any serious precipitation began, went home and settled in for the storm.


A few days later, the storm had cleared and the days were warm again.

I returned to the same route, enjoying running on the smooth road surface with fresh, crunchy snow.

I was able to get 13.4 miles total this time, having to turn around due to schedule restrictions rather than weather restrictions.


For the rest of the month, I stayed close to home, running in Palmer Park and on the urban trails.

Another wave of snow dumped on the city, and I got to do a lovely evening/sunset jog just as the storm cleared.

I got to observe a perfect "sun dog" at Grandview Overlook, which is a phenomenon that occurs when the sun shines through ice crystals in the atmosphere.

And then I watched the sun setting as the clouds over the mountains disappated.


The clouds in the winter over the mountains are always something else.

The next day was warm enough that I could look at the snow blowing off the mountains and forming clouds, absorbed directly by the air.

As the clouds accumulated moisture, they moved off to the east, later to become snow and rain on the plains.


Another day near the end of the month, I was able to run during a snowstorm.

It was that kind of fluffy, dusty snow that was easier to clean with the broom than a shovel.

And it was a blast to run around in!

A deer friend, sitting in the snowy meadow, was unbothered by my presence.

I tallied easy mileage running on the snowy road. It was closed to vehicles in the storm.


This month, Sebastian began introductory fencing classes. Definitely a challenging sport that is both physical and mental in nature.


My overall mileage for January was good, but I didn't get around to doing any speed work, which was one of my goals for this year.

Nonetheless, I am still happy that I started doing some jumping training for resilience and bone strength.

Next month, I want to continue doing the jumping rope and also include at least two speed sessions. I just have to kick myself to do it when the weather's tolerable!

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