Saturday, September 2, 2023

Second half of August 2023

A lot of mileage, and a lot of Pikes Peak runs in the second half of August!

I also included a few weights after some of the shorter runs and on non-running days, although I didn't note them in the workout log below. I want to try to keep better track of these workouts as we go into fall.

Coming into September, my plan is to run up the summit of Pikes Peak from my house and back. Using the urban trail system and Barr trail, I plan to make this into a 50 mile mountain ultra, self-supported style! (I will update/post this one on its own if I accomplish it.)


On August 16th, I ran a total of around ~6.9 miles.

I used a variety of paved and dirt paths around Garden of the Gods.

I especially enjoyed doing the road loop out from the Garden and on the Foothills Trail.

This was a casual run day.


On Thursday the 17th, I joined the Sunrise Striders for their special early morning (5 am) Barr Camp run!

I actually began my run back at the Field's Park in Manitou, which has free parking (since I did not anticipate being back in time to pay for parking). This added around a mile and a quarter each way to my Barr Camp trip.

I felt really decent on this trip up to Camp! (I have to thank Amber for helping me keep pace on the first part of Barr Trail, although she is faster than me and pulled out ahead eventually!)

I made it up to Camp in 2:18 this time, and that was with the extra mileage at the start!!! I might have been just a few minutes over 2 hours to Camp from the Ascent start line, which is my goal pace for my next Ascent race, (hopefully next year!)

The early morning sunlight was playing around with its golden hour colors when I passed through Lighting Point.

The morning dew was still fresh on the forest, and the air was breezy and cool.

I was having a blast.

I arrived at Camp and popped in, but they were still serving breakfast to campers, so I didn't overstay my welcome and made my way back down the mountain in short order!

I felt really good on the downhill today, taking it all in stride.

It did begin to get really warm once I dropped below No Name Creek. The heat welled up from the city, and it would be a hot day soon.

I ran all the way back to the Field's Park, successfully netting 18.3 miles for the day, and well over 4000 feet of climbing.

It was a solid, fast-paced day for me on the mountain.


On Sunday, August 20th, I wanted to do a long run but I was a little bit burnt out on Barr Trail.

So I went for my default fallback, Rampart Range Road!

As I got ready to head up the road from Balanced Rock, a hazy orange sun rose to the east.

A cyclist was also getting ready for his morning ride. He mentioned he was going up to the overlook and back, which I know is a little bit above the 11 miles marker on the road.

I had planned on around 15 miles today initially, but the cyclist got my wheels turning - maybe I could get to the overlook today. It was only an extra 6 miles or so to my roundtrip. And maybe, just maybe, I could get to the overlook ahead of him.

I set out with a pretty quick clip for the uphill. Around mile 4 and before the pedestrian short-cut, I looked back and could see the cyclist a few switchbacks behind me on the road.

I knew the shortcut would give me quite an advantage though, since it's pretty steep and climby, but much, much shorter than the road, saving over a mile.

After the top of the shortcut, within about another mile or two, there are several quick and short switchbacks. At the top of this view point, I looked back and couldn't see the cyclist.

I eventually began to think that maybe he turned around, but I was close enough to the overlook now that I wanted to just push to it.

The day was heating up and the views down into Williams Canyon were great.

A few more miles, with sun-warmed switchbacks, then and I was at the overlook!

This primary overlook showcases a great view down over Cascade and Highway 24.

I spent some time viewing Pikes Peak and Highway 24 below.

After I felt I'd soaked in enough sun, I got ready to head back down, and just as I left the overlook, the cyclist caught up with me!

He said he was following my footprints all the way up and he was impressed that I'd jogged all that way.

I told him he would quickly pass me on the downhill on a bike! 😂 Eventually, he did, but I was happy that I outpaced him to the overlook and that I exceed my initial mileage goal for the day by quite a bit.

On my way downhill today, it was nice to catch up for a few minutes with my friend Matt, who was on the uphill portion of his run.

I tried to take the downhill as smoothly as possible. I was pleased with my overall time and pace today, and I felt able to finish strong despite the day heating up fast.

I got a total of 21.1 miles for this Sunday Runday.


On Wednesday the 23rd, I had a chance to run with Pippin!

It's been a while since I had the time and ability to run with him.

We went to our usual short route in Palmer Park.

We went nice and easy as it was getting warm, and got a total of about 6.2 miles.


On Thursday, August 24th, I started early from the Field's Park Manitou again, like last Thursday.

This week, I saw the Striders group before they began at Memorial Park, but instead of taking the trail, I got on the Incline!

Dionne was just ahead of me, as she had started early. I wasn't sure I would be able to catch up with her, but I finally saw her when I was way above the false summit, almost at the top of the Incline.

It was nice to see Dionne today, although she had to head downhill after the Incline. Amber helped pace me uphill to Barr Camp again, like last week. Although I couldn't keep up with her all the way to Camp, my time to Camp was 2:02 today! The Incline does make it faster, but this was still from the field, so I'm happy with that 😃.

At Camp, I went a little further up, to the meadow just above Barr.

The mountains were waking up, with birds flitting from tree to tree and insects buzzing.

I spent a moment in the meadow before heading down and in to Camp. Breakfast had already wrapped up today, so I spent a few minutes and chatted with the caretakers before heading back out the door and down the mountain.

I got back to the Field's Park and went down to the stream, soaking my feet in the freezing rapids for long enough to feel the numbness coming on, before it was time to head back to the real world.

I got a total of 16.6 miles today, and 34:46 on the Incline.


Friday, August 25th: 5 miles today with Pippin.

Training him back up, little by little!


On Sunday the 27th, I started early from the Field's Park again. It was really quiet, dark, and peaceful as I set out; the city was still asleep.

I joined the Incline again a little after 5am. A silent train of headlamps illuminated the staircase in intermittent spots as other early-morning hikers made their way up.

Soon the sun began to dance on the horizon behind me as I climbed.

I made the top in just over 38 minutes this time, not pushing too hard.

I continued uphill after the Incline. A whole herd of deer were hanging out in the meadow near Bob's Road.

Near the metal 7.8 mile sign, I climbed up a jutting rock and took in some views.

The streaky clouds in the sky indicated another lovely Colorado day beginning.

Sunlight danced on Pikes Peak even as I was still in the shade.

I didn't head all the way up to Barr Camp today, instead turning around after this viewpoint near the 7.8 to summit sign.

Since I had to go back to the field anyway, this gave me a total of 13.3 miles for the day. A little bit "shorter" than a usual long run, but just enough for me for today!


On Tuesday the 29th, I decided to go for a morning casual run on Rampart Range Road.

I've been opting for a little less speedwork and more long mileage lately, since I did already accomplish my speedwork goal for the month.

I knew I wanted double-digit mileage, so I figured I would go to the first overlook into Williams Canyon just past the water tank.

It was a cool enough morning that I needed a long sleeve shirt at the start. I suppose it already is the end of August, and cooler weeks are approaching.

I enjoyed this run and tried not to overwork myself, not pacing as quickly as I had on my last Rampart run to the main overlook. I got a total of 11.4 miles today.


On the 30th, an evening family walk of a few miles in Strawberry Fields was followed by watching the Blue Moon rise! 


On the 31st, Dionne was wrapping up her Incline Challenge and invited friends to join.

I started at the Field's Park like I like to, which would give me an extra mile each way. I was happy to walk casually up the Incline with the group. We were still in the range of 42 minutes, even at a non-competitive effort.

As the group reached the summit, the red sun was just getting ready to crest the horizon. I snapped a photo that I thought captured the angle of the Incline quite well. In the weak morning light, I could still see the dots of headlamps all the way down to the base of this beastly staircase, half a vertical mile down! No matter how many times I summit this legendary hike, it still commands a respect of its own.

Considering it's been a few months since I last was on the Incline, doing it thrice in the last week was a lot!

I jogged back down Barr trail, barely hanging on to the tail end of the group (I am not a strong downhiller). Then back to the Field's Park, getting a total of 8.3 miles on this last day of the month.


Overall, a lot of long summer mileage this end half of August. A couple runs with the dog, a few weight sessions, and a good balance of living life 😁.

Big goals just ahead!

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend ☺️, see you on the trails soon.

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