Sunday, May 2, 2021

April 2021 Update

 Wow, April was actually a huge success! I ran 170 miles for the month. That's a huge improvement upon the first three months of the year, and it gives me a little bit of a jump start for the rest of the year.

I still did a bit of treadmill mileage, but my outdoor mileage is up. My husband is still too concerned with coronavirus to allow me to run on trails most of the time, despite being vaccinated and always wearing my mask!! The only exception is if we find a trail where no one is at the trailhead, which is rare.

But he has begun to allow me to run the very early shift around my local area before anyone is out and about. I try to wrap up my run before 5 am so I don't pass by anyone on the sidewalk.

But man, I'll take road and concrete at 3 am over the treadmill any day. And it has helped me increase my mileage to a level that I feel better about.

I *really* hope that this summer, my husband will feel that it is safe enough that I can go back out on the trails again (even if it's not the Incline.)

For now, I will keep chugging away on the sidewalks and staying consistent. Stay healthy, everyone!

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