Monday, August 19, 2019

Pikes Peak Ascent is only 6 days away!

My last training update was Friday of last week. Since then, I've been sticking to local trails and runs from my house. 

I am backing off on the altitude right before an altitude race. I'm not sure if that's a good idea, or bad idea, but I guess I will find out. Perhaps it's a good idea for me to give my body a bit of rest from all the altitude? 

Last Sunday, I "ran" from my house to Monument, but I went really slow. For a 20 miler, it took me almost 5 hours, as I included several miles of walking.

My mindset was already looking forward to ultramarathon training for the Silver Rush 50. If I can keep the same pace for 50 miles, I'll make it in 12.5 hours, well under the 14 hour cutoff. Although I probably should stay focused on my immediate upcoming race, the Pikes Peak Ascent, I can't help but also plan for the future. 

During one of my walking segments, a runner came up behind me, and I asked if I could keep pace with him for a while. His name was Rob and he is in training for an Ironman. He had gotten up at 3 am that morning to swim for over an hour, followed by a 5 hour bike ride, and he was now in the middle of his 2.5 hour run to make it a day. Talk about motivating! He sure did make me feel lazy about sleeping in until 8 am and then casually jogging 20 miles. It was really fun and helpful to keep pace with him for a while.

As I continued northbound, clouds began building over the Palmer divide. I finally made it to my destination, just a few minutes before the torrential downpour! Alex met with me and we ate a late lunch at Chile's.

Then on Wednesday night, I did a late run at Palmer Park. I did the Yucca Flats top loop. The moonlight was so intense that I ran most of my jog by the moon alone, although I had my headlamp. My phone was even able to take a photo of the mountains illuminated by the moonlight, without the flash on.

On Thursday, I took my kids for a hike at Rainbow Gultch trailhead (by Rampart Reservoir). They had a fantastic evening and they're becoming little outdoor adventurers themselves!

Finally, on Saturday, one week out from the Pikes Peak Ascent, I ran at Palmer Park again. This time during the heat of the day, and this time I did a short/abbreviated loop of both mesas, starting by short-cutting from the street to Grandview trail, cutting over to Kinnickinnik trail, and then crossing the main road and taking the Greencrest trail until I reached the picnic area. Then I climbed back up the mesa and circled Templeton backwards from my usual direction, coming down the north canyon by the stables before going home.

For the last week before the Ascent, I plan to really back off on exercise. I'll still swim at the gym and maybe do some yoga, but I'm trying my best to avoid running and heavy lifting. (Ha, like running and lifting are things that happen on their own if you don't avoid them, amirite?)

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