Saturday, December 31, 2022

My Year in Running - 2022

Happy New Year!

What a year.

First off, let me state the format for this post - first I'll summarize the year and include the highlights. Then, I'll outline my goals for next year. Finally, at the end will be my regular weekly blog for this week.

Here is the link to last year's summary.

This year, I ran 1515.5 miles total. This is about 300 miles less than last year, but 300 miles more than the year prior. So it was a very moderate, middle-of-the-road mileage total for me.

However, I had only 138 run days this year, which means each run averages out to 10.98 miles. This is actually my highest average run distance since I've started recording my runs, so that's a small cause for celebration.

My average weekly mileage this year was about 29.1 miles per week.

Here's a few of this year's most memorable runs for me:

* Running a big springtime loop around the base of Mount Rosa.

* Being chased down from Almagre Mountain by a huge incoming thunderstorm.

* Completing my goal run of the year, a 41-mile journey out to Bull Park.

* Catching some fall colors on Kineo Mountain

* My first run with someone else since the pandemic began, when Sharon joined me for a Muscoco Mountain summit!

My main goal for 2022 was to run a solo 50-mile route. I didn't accomplish that goal, as my longest run topped out at 41 miles. Sometimes setting challenging goals means that you won't always achieve them. But that doesn't mean I will stop trying, or stop setting daring goals.

With that in mind, my goals for 2023 are the following:

* My main goal is to do quality speedwork sessions twice per month. I have had a serious lack of speedwork since the pandemic began in 2020, and it's becoming apparent in my slowing pace. It's time to fix that! By setting my goal to do speedwork only every-other-week (initially), I think I can improve my leg turnover without overtaxing my body.

* To set out and actually accomplish the 50-mile distance. I know I can do it. I need a better build-up and base than I had this year. Proper prior planning, and not allowing myself to cut it short! At this point, it's mostly mental, and I just have to force myself beyond my comfort zone. The marathon distance has become comfortable for me, beyond that is where I struggle.

* A final goal for me this coming year is to see many more friends out on the trails, and join people for adventure runs! I look forward to seeing many friends who I've missed ❤️ because of our strict lock down during the pandemic.

With that said, if you'd like to join me for an adventure run, please let me know! I'd love to see everyone. 

That concludes my yearly summary, and what follows is my regular workouts from the last week of 2022.


Tuesday, 12/27

45 minutes on the row machine.

Then, a few sets of push-ups, just so I'm not totally neglecting bodyweight strength work.


Thursday, 12/29

Heavy deadlifts in the morning. It was time for these for sure!

This one compound exercise alone was enough for today's weight session.

In the afternoon, a lot of the snow ❄️ from last night's snowstorm had already melted off.

So I ran up to Palmer Park and out-and-back to Grandview Overlook twice. It was lovely to slush around in the soft melting powder while the road to the overlook was closed to vehicles.


I got 8.1 miles and 1050 feet elevation. 


Friday, 12/30

Just a short one, 5 miles in Palmer. A bit icy. The clouds were really neat, creating an arch over the mountains. 


Saturday, 12/31

45 minutes on the row machine.


Head first into 2023! I hope to see many friends out on the trails this coming year and make the most of new adventures. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Sunday, 12/18

I woke up late, but still made it over to the Incline in time to catch up with Sharon.

Conditions on the Incline and the trail were great today. No ice, only a small amount of powdery snow from the last storm.

My Incline time today was 35:21. I'm really pleased with that!

It was a blast to do this workout with Sharon.

And I loved seeing the little decorated Christmas tree 🎄 atop the Incline. It's been a few years since I've seen it!

I got a total of 9.9 miles today.


Tuesday, 12/20

10.2 miles on the Legacy Loop and Rock Island Trail.

Relatively flat miles that I'm trying to knock out before the incoming winter storm tomorrow night. 

Luckily, I have only 11 miles left for the year, and 11 days left to do them. I believe I'll be able to do that.


Wednesday, 12/21

45 minutes on the row machine on the shortest day of the year. 

Hard to believe that the days will be getting longer again after today. A serious cold snap is coming, ushered in on this solstice night.


Thursday, 12/22

Squats with the two 15 lb dumbbells for a total of 30 lbs, front-weighted.

Then dumbbell press-outs with a single 15 lb dumbbell.

Getting a weight workout in felt good today. I tried not to burn myself out with too many squats, but I'll have to do them more often.


Friday, 12/23

30 minutes on the row machine.


Sunday, 12/25

🎄 Merry Christmas! 🎄 

No exercise yesterday or today for me.

Instead, enjoy these photos of our tree and our Christmas lights.


Monday, 12/26

I set out with the goal of completing my last 11 miles for the year.

I ran down to Monument Valley, then up to Sondermann Park. I did a loop through the open space. The views of the mountains along the ridgeline in the Mesa Open Space were lovely on this mostly-cloudy day.

Then I went to Pioneer Park, enjoying the views of the whole Pikes Peak region from this small park, before making a big loop back to MVP and then home on the Rock Island Trail.

I got a total of 13.3 miles today, with 1300 feet of elevation gain. 

That gives me the rest of my mileage for the year!! Any extra runs I do before the end of the year will just be bonus miles!

Next update will be my year-end summary. Wow, hard to believe it's already almost time for the new year.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Thursday, 12/08

A short 5.2 mile run, with 900 feet elevation. I got a little nervous that it's already Thursday and I hadn't run since Sunday.

I do really want to make 1500 miles this year at least.

Instead of committing to several longer runs in December, I decided to chip away at the mileage when I can instead.

It was really gusty and windy atop the mesa! At least that Colorado sun was warm on me, keeping me from freezing too much.

Sweeping views and big winds atop the mesa in Palmer Park.


Friday, 12/09

Another beautiful day to take a little chunk of mileage out from what's remaining for the year for me.

5.8 miles today, with 750 feet elevation. 

Later that evening, I wanted to get a small amount of weight training done. I did several sets of dumbbell curls with the 15 lb dumbbells.

Then calf raises with the same dumbbells (for a total of 30 lbs) which is fairly light for calf raises, but good for stability work.


Wednesday, 12/14

Due to a lot of housework, there has been a lack of exercise for a few days.

Today I set out for a long run to make up for that!

I traveled westward along the Rock Island Trail, through Monument Valley and Sondermann Park.

At Mesa Rd, I decided just to run to the Garden all the way along Fontmore, and pop into the Niobrara Trail at the south end of the Valley Reservoir #2.

I like this "secret" entrance to the park as there is no parking area; it's just a footpath entrance. 

The view was instantly postcard-quality amazing!

The Garden of the Gods looked like a postcard when I entered the Niobrara Trail at Valley Reservoir #2.

The golden sun was shining on the meadow where the now-empty Valley Reservoir 2 once was. 

I climbed the very short way to High Point Overlook, and crossed the road to join the Buckskin Charlie Trail.

Top: Iconic rocks near High Point Overlook. Bottom left: The empty field that used to be the Valley Reservoir #2. Bottom right: Stacked rock with tree from Buckskin Charlie Trail.

The warm afternoon sun illumating the Garden of the Gods.

I connected from the Buckskin Charlie Trail to the Hamp Hut Trail, which eventually lead me to the Strausenback Trail.

Views and rock formations on the Strausenback Trail.

The Strausenback Trail winds up a few switchbacks and comes to a "top" that has a fantastic overlook of the mountains.

The lighting and the clouds were fantastic. The sun was beginning its slow descent. I captured a few shots of the sun streaks casting their steaming light in front of the mountains. 

The "top" of Strausenback Trail, with Pikes Peak in the background. 

I took a pause at the overlook to soak in the views, but I started to get chilled quickly, so I pressed onwards.

I descended Strausenback Trail to the road and picked up the Balanced Rock Trail.

I wanted some more mileage, so I decided to put in a little bit of mild road climbing on Rampart Range Road. When I arrived at the base of the road, I was pleasantly surprised that the winter vehicle closure was already in effect. But the snow was completely melted off from the previous storm.

I could run this smoothly-graded and gradually ascending dirt road without worrying about cars? Yes please!

I passed by the classic rock formations at the base of the road.

Further up, I watched the sunset creating orange clouds above Pikes Peak.

I ascended until the 4 mile marker. At this curve in the road, I got a great view down into the Garden and the city beyond.

I took a last look at the road, ever ascending further into the National Forest, then turned around and headed back towards home.

The last light was slowly fading away. It was a beautiful, calm downhill all the way back to the Garden.

When I got back to the paved road, I stayed in the pedestrian lane and returned to the central Garden, cutting right through the middle of North and South Gateway Rocks.

As I got to the main Garden of the Gods entrance, I began to get really cold. Especially my hands, which were chilled inside my gloves. 

I called Alex and had him pick me up a little early. I ended up getting 22.2 miles - just 4 miles short of a marathon! (And over 3500 feet of elevation gain).

If I'd run the last 4 miles home, I'd have gotten a full marathon. But since I'd set out with an initial goal of between 15 to 20 miles, I still counted this run as more than enough for the day.

And it knocked out a big chunk of my remaining mileage for the year.

I really enjoyed this run, and I got some really cool photos of the beautiful Garden of the Gods. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm so thankful to live in this amazing natural place!


Friday, 12/16

15 lb dumbbells:

* Overhead presses.
* Bicep curls.

I am planning on doing the Incline with Sharon and the Incline club on Sunday, and with having just done 22 miles two days ago, I decided to only train upper body today.

The Incline is a good alternative leg day workout, and I'm looking forward to it!


Overall this week has been good for getting mileage in! Only one weight session, but that was acceptable considering how busy life has been, between the holidays, catching up with friends, and re-arranging a couple rooms in our house.

Only 31 miles left to go for the year to attain 1500!

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Tuesday, 11/29

50 minutes on the row machine this morning. Started more gradually and worked up to faster/ stronger rowing in the second half of the workout. 

Today was icy and snowy out in the morning. Don't get me wrong, I like outdoor winter running. But I also enjoy the luxury of being able to choose to stay indoors and work out instead!


Wednesday, 11/30

Dumbbell overhead presses, then dumbbell squats. All indoors (garage gym too cold 🥶). I hope barefoot squats will help strengthen the lower leg and ankles!!


Friday, 12/02

45 minutes on the row machine.


Saturday, 12/03

I want to run long tomorrow, so I didn't want to exercise too much today. But I did want to fit a short exercise session in, so I just did 35 minutes on the row machine in the evening. 


Sunday, 12/04

Finally, it was time for a long one! My runs lately have gotten less and less frequent. It's unfortunate, but finding a balance in life sometimes means running less than you'd like to.

I do feel good and strong when I do finally head out the door, because of the rowing and strength work I've been doing. I'm not able to run as much, restricted by time and other obligations. 

Because it was a really chilly morning, I waited until later in the morning and began my jog around 10 am.

I decided to go back to the Codell trail and Ridgeline trail in Red Rock Canyon. I made my way westward, along Rock Island Trail, then through the top of Monument Valley Park over to Sondermann Park.

Because I felt like a bit of climbing today, I scaled a little hill in the middle of Sondermann to get the view on top. What a unique little park.

There would be more climbing for me in this run. As soon as I reached the 31st street trail entrance for Red Rock Canyon, I hooked into the Codell trail, which immediately climbs up a long mesa towards Section 16.

I really enjoy this route and the long, gradual uphill.

At the top of the Codell trail, there's an amazing view down into Red Rock Canyon.

I then continued on the Ridgeline trail towards Section 16.

One of my favorite views on this route is at the top of the ridge, looking west. There are so many criss-crossing faults, each with a unique character of the protruding rocks.

After the top, I descended the trail to the Section 16 parking area. Then I had a very long downhill, jogging down Gold Camp Road and connecting to the Pikes Peak Greenway, which I would take back towards home.

I ended up with over 17.6 miles and almost 2500 feet elevation gain.

Then, in the evening, we were able to take the family and go to see Meow Wolf in Denver.

I've been looking forward to the opportunity to check out this unique art experience!

I had a great time checking out all the florescent art. And the kids enjoyed it as well.

Before leaving Denver, we checked out the capital building and the big light up tree.

What a colorful day!


Wednesday, 12/07

60 minutes on the row machine at a consistent pace.


I didn't want to let this blog get too long, and with all the photos, I figured I'd post a shorter update this time.

I should be able to make 1500 miles total for the year. I'll just have to stay consistent a few times a week before the end of the year.

It will be less than last year, which was in the ~1700 range, but more than the year prior which was in the ~1200 range. A moderate yearly mileage total for me, but I will take it. My runs lately have been less frequent, as the seasons ebb and flow.

I'm sure I'll have a future season where I'll run more and row less, but I've been served well by the row machine lately.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Wednesday, 11/9

35 minutes on the row machine. 


Thursday, 11/10

8.5 miles in Palmer Park. Scrambled around the bluffs a little, getting 1250 feet of elevation gain. 

Classic lovely weather on the bluffs.


Saturday, 11/12

Dumbbell overhead presses with the 15 lb dumbbells. Different angles, and both unilaterally and bilaterally.

Then dumbbell lunges with the same weights. These two exercises felt like they complimented each other well.

I even capped off today's workout with ab-wheel roll-outs!!

What a good strength day, hope I'm not too sore tomorrow!


Tuesday, 11/15

35 minutes on the row machine. Still feeling a little sore from the ab wheel!


Wednesday, 11/16

35 minutes on the row machine. Beginning to feel my strength for rowing coming back.

Consistency is key! Again, there's my "word of the year" - Consistency. I haven't thought of it in a few months. It's served me well this year to try to be more mindful of being consistent in whatever I'm trying to do in life.

I might be rowing a lot more often if it's really cold this winter.

It has been cold out with a bitter wind, and a little break from running was probably due. 


Thursday, 11/17

35 minutes on the row machine again today! Feeling good for the third day in a row.

I am definitely craving a run soon, though. 


Friday, 11/18

35 minutes on the row machine. The snow ❄️ is still falling outside!


Saturday, 11/19

By the early afternoon, most of the snow was already completely melted off the roads. Because of a number of factors, it's been over a week (8 days to be exact) since my last run.

So I took off towards the park today, planning on getting as much mileage as time allowed.

I went out towards Grandview Overlook and climbed out on the bluff.

I sat at the overlook for a few minutes and looked at the wintry mountains. How quickly winter has settled in up there!

I peeked up at Almagre Mountain, its bald summit adorned with more snow than even Pikes Peak (at least on the front side). I thought about how I'd only been up top on Almagre once this year, and how I wish I'd had time for more summits before the snow came.

But most of all, I thought about how little time we have to do all the things we want to accomplish in life, and how quickly life goes by. And then I appreciated the moment that I had, enjoying the sun on these peaceful bluffs and soaking in the views.

Then I took off on the other half of my run, content in having a thoughtful and restorative jog home.

I ended up with 10 miles, and 1100 feet elevation gain.


Sunday, 11/20

Devastatingly, between midnight and 1am this day, Alex's friend called him to tell him there had just been a shooting at Club Q. We stayed up most of the night trying to call friends and see if they had been there and if they were OK.

I was overwhelmed. I felt very vulnerable, and unsure if we were safe in this city. And most of all, mourning the lives that were lost.

After a poor few hours' sleep, I had a chance to fit a few flat miles in on the Rock Island Trail and MVP. On my run, I thought back to how short life really is. I felt stunned and shocked that I was now faced with this in a very close-to-home reality.

I ended up jogging down to the pull-up bars. I did several sets of pull-ups, and a few negatives when I began to fail out.

It was at least a little refreshing to be able to jog 7 miles today and do some pull-ups. 


Tuesday, 11/22

40 minutes on the row machine. Slowly working up to rowing longer.


Wednesday, 11/23

45 minutes on the elliptical in the morning, then 45 minutes on the row machine in the evening.

Today we watched the pride flag unfurling at the city capital building, and visited the Club Q memorial.


Thursday, 11/24

This Thanksgiving, I woke up early enough to get a chilly little 10k in on the bluffs.

The clouds today were fantastic, creating photo opportunities at every turn.

I stayed on the trails, climbing up and down the west side of the mesa. The wind was quite brutal at times, but it came in gusts.

I ruminated that I had lot to be thankful for, but also a lot to be pensive about, including those families who are missing someone at the table this year because of the shooting at the Q.

6.2 miles and 1400 feet of climbing today.


Saturday, 11/26

45 minutes on the row machine in the morning.

A few inclined push-ups in the evening.


Sunday, 11/27

10 miles lovely evening run. The air was crisp and cool, and I felt exceptionally refreshed. I stuck to the roads tonight, going to Grandview Overlook and back 3 times (from the gate where the overlook road starts).

I loved jogging along the top of the long bluff. It wasn't windy, so it didn't feel very cold at all.

I had a nice, focused run. I did stop for one quick photo when the moon set over the mountains.

I felt fast overall, the cool air helping me. Elevation gain was 1350 feet over the 10 miles.

Afterwards, I felt like I needed to supplement with a few extra inclined push-ups as I didn't get as many sets as I wanted yesterday.


I typically like to update weekly or every other week, but I got behind, so I let this blog get too long!

To summarize, the month of November 2022 has been very busy.

I feel exceptionally strong from an all-around standpoint going into the winter. I feel like I have done a pretty good balance of running, rowing, and bodyweight work lately. My weight is in a good place as well. I feel lean, but not too skinny. I indulged around Thanksgiving, but have lessened my calorie intake back to baseline since.

Goals for the upcoming month include getting a long mountain run in, and fitting in some weight room days, which were both lacking this past month.

And to keep hitting that row machine. What a fantastic cross-training exercise that I can fit into a half-hour and stay indoors for.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Mt. Muscoco with Sharon! + Weekly exercise log

Wednesday, 10/26

A big loop up on the bluffs before the incoming storm today.

As I circled the west side of Palmer Park on the Palmer Point trail, some clouds built over Pikes Peak.

I entered Austin Bluffs Open Space and went to the overlook. I wanted to keep moving forward today, so I continued to the connecting trail to Pulpit Rock Park.

There are some cool rock formations as you approach the top plateau behind Pulpit Rock.

At the top platform, I could see down into town and all of the surrounding mountains. I looked up at Blodgett Peak and Lone Pine Peak, where I plan to go on a mountain run soon, after the little cold front we are expecting passes.

As I returned along the trails back, the big snow cloud settled over the peak, making dramatic skies at sunset.

Today's total was 13.1 miles for a lovely trail half-marathon, with 1950 feet of climbing.


Friday, 10/28

35 minutes rowing in the morning. Felt good, looking forward to doing more rowing as winter comes around and as I get stronger for longer times on the row machine. 😀 

8.2 miles jog in the afternoon, combo road and trail. It warmed up nicely and I was able to do most of my run in just a tank top and shorts. 


Monday, 10/31

We went for a hike on the bluffs with the kids and our friend Mylo.

We hiked over 3 miles in total and made it to my overlook!!

I had a blast and I think the kids did too. But they were tired at night and fell asleep early, as climbing and running around the bluffs was a good workout for them!


Wednesday, 11/2

10 miles with 1400 feet elevation gain. Another beautifully warm day!

We've been doing some work around the house the last few days, so I haven't had much time to run lately. I'm glad I grabbed this opportunity to do a solid mid-length run, as I felt very strong today.


Friday, 11/4

Lightweight (10 lb) side lateral raises, followed by the same weight for lunges. Several sets until fatigued for each exercise.

Slow, gradual strength-building day.


Sunday, 11/6

It's finally time for me to begin running with others again! (At least occasionally 😅 anyhow).

I was happy to meet with Sharon for this Mt. Muscoco adventure.

We began at the base of North Cheyenne Cañon and started on the Columbine trail. Then we connected to the new(er) Creekside trail which eventually allows you to cross the road and join the Mt. Cutler and Mt. Muscoco trail.

Cool jagged rocks and views along Mt. Cutler trail.

It was a bit windy as we ascended past the Mt. Cutler trail split. After the mini-Incline, the more rough and rocky trail begins. We got some nice views as we continued to climb upwards.

Top left: Mt. Muscoco, and her massive ridgeline, ahead in the distance as we approach her. Bottom: Great views of Cheyenne Mountain, with Old Stage Road below.

We got to the base of Mt. Muscoco, where the trail splits towards Daniel's Pass. Sharon wasn't sure if she would want to tackle the summit, but just then someone on their way down passed by us. I asked how far we had to go. They responded that it was only a quarter mile, but a rough and steep quarter mile 😬!

Sharon decided we should go for it!!

We climbed up to the summit and took in the great views for a few minutes.

Top: At the summit of Mt. Muscoco, looking west, with Almagre Mountain's snow-capped face in the distance. Bottom: Myself and Sharon, and the view to the southwest. St. Peter's Dome in the background to the left and Stove Mountain to the right, in the foreground. 

I love how Muscoco Mountain provides a great 360-degree view, as it is a high point in North Cheyenne Cañon. 

Then it was time to head down!

On our way down, we still caught some fall colors! A single tree was still yellow along lower Columbine trail. Chilly clouds seemed to blow in.

Top: A little bit of fall remains! Bottom: Looking back at Mt. Muscoco on the trail down.

Our total for the day was 7.75 miles and 2150 feet of elevation gain. 

Thanks Sharon, for sticking with it 👍 and it was fun!

Afterwards, I got a bonus 3 miles (flat in town), bringing my total to 10.75 miles for the day.


Monday, 11/7

35 minutes on the row machine.


Tuesday, 11/8

35 minutes on the row machine, second day in a row!

I love the row machine as a quick go-to workout for when I only have 30 or 35 minutes to exercise in a day.

It packs a punch in a short time.


What a nice couple of weeks! I'm so happy to be able to run with others again, and of course I'm glad Sharon was able to join me for the Mt. Muscoco summit trip.

I'm looking forward to more social runs soon! 🙂 See you out on the trails.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Tuesday, 10/11

10.4 miles, 1600 feet elevation. 

The thunderclouds in the distance to the east were quite puffy.


Wednesday, 10/12



Thursday, 10/13

One hour on the elliptical. 


Friday, 10/14

Front raises (swings) with a single 15 lb kettlebell. Done in a quick motion, these are different than doing heavier, slow front raises.


Saturday, 10/15


My lower back was a little annoyed from the previous two days' workouts, so I took some time off from exercise today.


Sunday, 10/16

I'm craving to go to the mountains for a long one again soon. Today started off nice and cool and the mountains tempted me. My back was feeling better, but I didn't want to overdo it either.

So I set out for 10 miles on the bluffs instead.

The nice cool wind was perfect for a light jacket and shorts today.

I topped out at my favorite overlook in Austin Bluffs Open Space, and spent some time looking out at the mountains and thinking about where I'd like to go for my next long one.

I considered many different routes, like:

  1. The usual route from lower High Drive, up to Frosty's Park, and down Old Stage Road. (~23 miles)
  2. Limbaugh Canyon/ Mt. Herman Road loop. (~20 miles)
  3. Almagre Mountain out-and-back from N. Cheyenne Cañon. (~15 miles)
  4. Almagre Mountain, up standard route and down 370.C and Old Stage. (~26 miles, like the time I got caught in the storm)
  5. Up the trail from Blodgett Peak Open Space to road 303 and down Rampart Range Road. (~21 miles)
Of course all this brainstorming took a while! As I got ready to head back, the sun ☀️ came out. It created lovely blue skies with streaked clouds above the tan sandstone rock formations of the bluffs.

I was able to take off my jacket and finish this run, warm in the sunlight in my tank top. I got 1900 feet of elevation and 10.5 miles in total.

I hope I'll be able to hit the mountains sometime mid-week in the coming days (once I decide on a route!)


Monday, 10/17

Dumbbell overhead presses with the 15 lb weights. Unilaterally, and alternating. Then together.

Felt good to work this range of motion today.

Then I did some reverse planks. I wanted to do a core-based exercise, but something different than the usual planks. Reverse plank holds were the perfect complimentary exercise for today. I need to do these more often!!


Tuesday, 10/18



Wednesday, 10/19



Thursday, 10/20

Another bluffs run day! I went to my overlook spot.

Instantly when I hit the Palmer Point trail a mile into my run, I could feel the heat.

I can definitely tell there's global warming when a late-October trail run is as hot as today. The heat radiated off of the yellow sandstone spires as I encircled the west side of the park.

I sweated as I climbed Marconi Heights and connected to Austin Bluffs Open Space at the overlook. As I sat on top and soaked in the views of the mountains, I debated my previous list from Sunday and decided tentatively on #5, the Blodgett Peak Open Space to road 303 run.

First off, I haven't been on that route in a while. It would allow me to add a little bit of adventure detouring, possibly either summiting Ormes Peak (a summit I have yet to tag), or climbing atop the huge overhanging rock outcropping in the National Forest that I keep wanting to go to. I love overlooks, and sometimes I enjoy the thrill of being right on the edge of an overhang with a significant drop to the valley below. I don't think I have a fear of heights, or I wouldn't go to overhangs, ledges, and rock outcroppings like this. But I do have a healthy regard for heights that gives me a rush of excitement, and I like to experience that.

Since this coming weekend will be busy, I hope to be able to do this mountain run sometime mid-week of next week. 

One final note from today's run - I am trying out a new electrolyte tablet and it seemed to help me maintain my energy despite the heat. I think taking these small salt tabs, especially on hot days, will help me with my endurance and avoid that crashy feeling on my longer runs. They are beneficial for even mid-length runs like today's 11 miles.


Friday, 10/21

Just a few pull-ups.


Saturday, 10/22

30 minutes on the row machine.


Sunday, 10/23

4 miles, a moderately challenging hike with Alex and our friend. We hiked all the way up Strawberry Fields to the upper trailhead and then into the National Forest.

It ended up being a warm and beautiful day, even as a cold front slowly rolled through.

We got a really unique view of all the dramatic rock outcroppings, and the Will Rodgers Shrine up above.


All in all, a busy last couple of weeks, but no complaints! I have been able to fit in a balanced amount of strength and cardio.

Winter is beginning in the Colorado high country! I hope to be able to experience the winter woods soon. And, hopefully, a little bit longer run sometime this coming week.